Specialharrow for training facilities bg-header

Timraharven will help you keep your training facilities in perfect condition. With the unique side wing it will easily even out the base in your manege all the way up to the walls and it also works fine outside scraping the material back onto the riding tracks.

Each part of the harrow can be adjusted separately in order to get a perfect result. Timråharven can be pulled by a four wheel motorcycle, a trackor or a car.

Specific data:

Lenght:                     1.9 meter

With                           2.5 meters

Weight                      150 kilos

Material                     Galvanized steel

Timråharven is produced and sold by:

MWF AB • Innervik 424 • 931 91 Skellefteå, Sweden

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. • 070-568 47 27